
Welcome .I know you might be
jealous but there is no need to copy.
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Amanda Soon HERE (:
strawberry freak .18/11/96 is my big day .Dounghnut Lover.Msn:armanda-sun@hotmail.com.Lastly,Opps there is no lastly

New Urban Male backpack
Green belt
little miss naughty tee
DCP small sling bag
Yellow nail polish
Get Dance Subaru--舞吧! 昴 OST/Movie

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com


All graphics and codings by designer bwrp. Font by dafont.com.

April 29, 2009
yesterday i took an UNGLAM pic of Jillian then she ran and ran over to me and grab my phone and delated to photo and she is damn angry sia yesterday sms tessa if she going AE nite she  told me she is performing there i was like ya hor and she told me she is at gillian house then i ask her to ask gillian to look at her phone  today stay in school till 6.15 for the following reason 
biology-2.45-3.45 pm
sian sia no more taq can die wan taq especially my Jillian which is probably never going happen in a thousand year until she forgive my and i am damn REGRET'FULLL' can die.even though overall it was kinda CARTOONISTIC the fact that she ran to me when i took an UGLAM photo of here and now i kinda of wonder why she scared when people take photo of her ???? make utterly no sense unless she is UNGLAM ALL THE TIME which is utter NOT true at all :) today mrs NG confiscated my pathetic invitation card for AE nite which is UTTERLY RIDICULOUS 
OVERALL i wish to be forgiven :)
/6:50 PM

April 27, 2009
today so hectic ,need to stay back for physics for revision after that me tricia and clara go compass point,however  tell my mother i stay back in school to learn my dance :) but go home that time i told my mom the truth see i so guai kia :) i going today from tje damn insane heat wave can die sia omg want when i came back home dranks like 3 cans of green tea OMG 

/5:08 PM

April 26, 2009
on my way to airport and blogging in car on my mac book:) damn sian lah today and yesterday run 2.4km at hougang stadium for Physical fitness test which i came i  48/120 XD then tessa 69/120 Gillian  3/120 sheralyn lee 11/120 omg so damn good sia want to cry then denise 7/120 isabelle 5/120 yesterday wanted to go to VANNESSA birthday party so badly when ask my mum she say cannot damn it sia i even brought VANNESSA present  planning to give it to her yesterday then cannot go bo bian can only give on monday sad sia BTW 
HAPPY "BIRD"DAY VANNESSA then my leg damn pain after 2.4km so i used SOLAMPAS
toay my time was spent like this 
wake up :play  computer *simply slacking 
next :revise geography*utterly lame 
next :breakfast/lunch *damn full 
next:go grandma house *sleep like shit 
next :home revise history (his-story)*utterly boring 
next :watch a bit of 红星大奖
next :bath*sooooo long
next:on my way to airport
next :waiting for father at airport
next:eat dinner
next:home AGAIN!!!!

/7:35 PM

April 19, 2009
now at the world lamest dinner ever with a few weird uncle just bought soooooooo many thing from queentown:)I bought a adidas pants-$36 and adidas GoodYear school shoe-$74 and a nike water bottle -$13.40  total $123.40 so expensive lah almost kana scolded cause buy so much thing i wana go home a play i now outside blogging damn fun :) though i really need to buy a pair of adidas/nike 娃娃鞋 :) but tooooo expensive like $85  when i ask my mum can buy my mum say can buy damn happy sia but don have my size 7.5 toooo small le how leh.Jillian sms me said i got her number from her class telephone network then i tell her i got it from tessa ,then she say i steal teesa phone then i say is i ask tessa for her number through SMS then she was like -.-lll LOL i sms andrea chain message then she say iphone cannot forward LOL i was like haha tooooo bad:)
/7:09 PM

April 15, 2009
today got PFT
sit-up:34 times
incline pull-up:8 only XD
standing-broad jump:152cm 
shuttle run:12.1second :)
my shuttle run faster than a lot of people like kai xuan ,shermaine and Chantel and last but not the least ,JOHNNY:)then Isabelle;Bala did 43 sit up my class highest sia damn pro then when i doing sit up Sherrill was like "you can do it ,prove them wrong ,GO GO"then my standing broad jump was like omg terrible like you never seen before then my incline pull up was like...BAD but better than Clara-7times,JOHNNY-0times and Marnel-1time and what more i cannot believe vanessa did 16 times omg in 30-seconds and Jillian did 20-incline pull up and 44cm for her sit-and-reach  damn good saw Tessa and she was damn angry at Isabelle for some reason *i know not telling you XP*and was damn tired when i was coming back now blogging is like so enjoyable no stress so damn good :)wonder how Tessa did and as usual Tricia sit-and-reach was like damn good -54cm OMG can you believe it the best in my class.Actually  want to post picture just cannot connect computer with phone cause using MAC Book :)
/7:52 PM

April 13, 2009
OMG today go training realise i was recommended for rifle damn disappointed sia cause always wanted to go pistol cause like rifle damn heavy sia but got alot of senior i know all in rifle so not that bad haha like Andrea,Tessa best fren Jillian,wei shan <-ok ok only nia not like good fren but ok got tok lah :)and Ma yilin <-ok ok nia not very good fren but ok lah got tok lah haha :)lol but still dissapointed lah ,help me leh so good valerie in pistol so is natalie and a girl like me also wan to go pistol but got rifle she sad until the whole nose damn red sia like going to cry  then today before shooting i was running to my old fren then vanessa teo also follow me run ,run until fall down then her pants tear then her leg bleed like those movie tomato sauce haha,then her track pants tear at the knee cap there then she tear a bigger hole so the wound can "breath" haha so sad sia then bring her go toilet she say she cannot believe she just tore her pants lol then bring her go general offic then apply anticeptic lotion already going back to Mr.Tan home room a st.john girl saw her wound bring her to general office do her wound so  damn lucky for Vanessa teo:)
/6:58 PM

April 5, 2009
haha so early then i start blogging le damn bored sia mother going out and then i also woke up to see the sun rise still waiting lah because the sun haven come out het hiding behind the gloomy clouds lol so sad no one to accompany me my mom go out me alone and my is sleeping so it is the same as no one is home except for me .yesterday i buy a hell girl handphone sticker and then at about 12.30mm i tear out from my hand phone thrwo away cause got a bit scary damn waste money sia i only paste for 1day nia then throw away le so 浪费钱.lol type so much english then suddenly chinse.yesterday becuase need to do finishnhomework stay till 2am -midnight but not even tired lah so surprising and then because i want to do the worksheet that mr.choo give i so i took out the paper from my bag then eh,why only got paper 2 no paper 1,omg i damn scared i lost it i search search search ,then i found it was in my file and then i search till my whole table damn messy ,sun is about it rise from 2am-midnight to 6.30am woke up ,hmmmm omg i only sleep for 4hr 30min so pathetic :)
/6:51 AM

April 3, 2009
damn happy today no need to stay back for shooting so damn happy sia and then in the Wednesday newspaper say my school got 3rd in nation shooting competition ,then concert band got silver in SYF so many happy thing come together haha damn happy then yesterday me and clara had a fight because i don't lent her mine correction tape then she say i selfish and on the the phone we sms she say she was just joking with me she was not even angry at all then i was like lol,april fool was yesterday haha and today mr.foo saw my shooting score card say damn good haha so happy all my fren say so close to bull's eye then i was like thinking i should be the one who should be angry not them why they angry for me eat lunch already to much time.LOL :D today go for music class teacher say i must temporally stop he say i must wait for the other to be on track on the same song then i can continue cause now i am 4song in front of the other so toooooooooo fast so need temporally stop so idiot man like shit haha can die lol today never run 10 round damn happy.now typing so sian nothing to do tomorrow so many thing to do like,swimming,tuition and then need to go sign up for jazz dance with my cousin however the jazz part i still considering lol ,don't know should join or not leh damn frustrated about this jazz lesson thing :@
/10:54 PM

April 2, 2009
Haha on wednesday shoot one cool right all in the centre except one shoot so damn lah if all in then so perfect.my senior ,eunice,ask me what postiton i stand when i shoot the middle ,i say i not sure then she say if i say not sure she was kill me so i say is Shweta teach me to use the 2 metal thing as a guide where to aim and shoot when the moment i say is Shwetai damn scared i don wan to make her wrongly accuse so in the end she say is she teach me one then i also damn happy get 36/50 :)
/6:35 PM